Sunday 29 March 2015



Filling up the interactive editable PDF format of the Settlement plan is the first and one of the most important part of your application process. This proves your adaptability to migrate. You need to explain why you have chosen Manitoba as your destination. In this section, make sure you have researched about Manitoba, it’s climate, culture and people, benefits you can enjoy, what you can contribute , and the education your kids can have. Knowing the province will make it easy for you to adapt and settle successfully.
You must let them know of your plans on how to settle, and how you have been preparing yourself before you arrive to Canada, either financially or professionally. You also need to explain in you settlement plan how are you going to upgrade yourself by online help, education, trainings and certifications. If your job or profession is regulated here in Canada, you should be reading or researching ways on how to be registered here, the requirements and the cost. It is a very great impact on the settlement plan if you have been mentioning your plans to upgrade and make yourself employable when you arrive in Canada. In your settlement plan, you are going to highlight your education and your work experience, especially your transferrable skills to Canada. It is good also to mention how much you are getting from your paid jobs, your strengths and you can also mention volunteer works you had. By mentioning your rough earnings, you are also providing proof on how you saved a portion of your settlement funds. When I filled up my settlement plan, I even gave them the rough estimate on how much my settlement fund be when my visa arrives with plans of saving at least 20% from our earnings, how much will that be when we move to Canada, and I also mentioned that the funds we have, basing on the statement is very fluid, meaning it moves, in and out, because we are using those savings for our daily living, for bills, rentals and daily expenses. This is a presumption and in preparation in case they will ask for a bank statement in the midst of application, granting that there is a possibility that we can use a portion of our funds. I have also mentioned that from those funds, I can use a portion of it for the application process but I am confident that before I leave the country, the settlement fund will bring will be enough to sustain us as we find jobs and we can provide for our kids and will not be a burden to the province. Sincerity in your application and declarations create a great impact. That is what I did!
In settlement plan 2, your sponsor will fill up the interactive form where he will just support your claims on your settlement plan 2 and how they will assist you find job, accommodation and adjustment, emotionally, physically but not financially, take note, we have our settlement funds and we should prove that we can support ourselves financially. It is very important to communicate well with your sponsor, whether they are your friends or your relatives. You must send them a copy of your settlement plan. They should know by heart what is your source of income, how many dependents, your education and your job experiences. Communication is your great tool to give strength to your application, then documents should justify your claims.

29 March 2015
Lilibeth Divina Galvez

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